
Welcome to the Plettenberg Bay Primary School website. The website gives you a glimpse into the life of the learners at our proud establishment.
Plettenberg Bay Primary School is in the beautiful town of Plettenberg Bay located in the Southern Cape in the world-famous Garden Route just 38 km from Knysna, 95 km from George and 230 km from Gqeberha (PE).
Plettenberg Bay is well known as an international holiday destination that is extremely popular, especially during the summer holidays. Plettenberg Bay and surroundings offer holidaymakers breathtaking scenery, popular beaches and an extremely pleasant climate. Add the popular activities that include Zipline, Elephant Park, Monkeyland, boat trips and many more and it becomes a destination not to be missed by local and international tourists.
Plettenberg Bay Primary School offers tuition to learners from grade R to grade 7. Each grade from grade R to grade 3 consists of four classes while grade 4 to grade 7 makes provision for three classes with relatively small learner numbers. Our school is privileged to have well educated, positive and hard-working teachers willing to go the extra mile. In certain grades there are class assistants to further strengthen the teachers’ hands.
A complete menu of extra-mural, cultural- and sporting activities is provided to our learners with ample opportunities for participation, exposure and achievement. We boast annually with learners who perform extremely well at provincial and even national level.
Our school has a well-equipped school building with well-maintained infrastructure for academic-, sports- and cultural activities. Great strides have been made towards e-learning and the use of technology to make the academic program accessible to all learners. Our grade 4 and grade 5 learners participate in our “Coding” program.
During the December school holidays, part of the school’s sports fields is converted into caravan sites. Holidaymakers who have been returning for the past few years are proof of the success of this growing project. Feel free to contact the school in this regard if you would like to find out more.
We like to live with the motto “Aim High – Mik Hoog”. Dedicated staff, beautiful children and involved parents, with the SGB taking the lead, make the journey of every learner at Plettenberg Bay Primary an enjoyable one.
Enjoy our website and feel free to contact us if you have any further queries.
School + Family + Community… Working for the benefit of all with tolerance and respect
As taken from Plettenberg Bay Primary School’s 1978 yearbook:
“From the Past to the Present – Uit die Verlede tot die Hede”
The first private school in Plettenberg Bay started as far back as 1909 and was situated near the residence of Mr Billy Jones, the Postmaster and Fort Captain at the time. Ten pupils (later 12) attended school and names such as Milly Smith, Sidney Duncan, Daisy Monk, Cecil Monk, Arthur Monk, Edie Cowley, Bertha Pienaar, Cecile Pienaar, Leonard Derbysshire, better known as Jessie, even only 16 years of age at the time with one year’s training, was the first teacher. She taught for approximately 12 months and was succeeded by a Miss Annie Kapp. At about this time there was an English Mission School in the old parsonage near the old timber shed. Miss Susan Oosthuizen (now Mrs Charlie Derbyshire) was the teacher.
The private school was eventually replaced by a provincial (or government) school round about 1912/1913 and was accommodated in a wood-and-iron building next to the old Post Office opposite Monks Boarding House and the teacher was a Miss Francis Schnetler. This school then moved to the Lions Hall and from there to Odland Street, and then to Beacon Way where it is today. Interesting to note that the houses in the Bay totaled five or six and two shops where anything from a needle to an anchor was sold. Good old days those!
In die Piesang-riviervallei staan vandag nog n geboutjie langs die gruispad wat met die Nasionale-pad aansluit, wat destyds as skool gedien het en ń man wat diep spore daar getrap het is Oom Gideon le Roux, bekende inwoner van die dorp. Hy het in 1936 Mnr Pieter van Rooyen as hoof van die tweeman-skool opgevolg wat 19 jaar lank hierdie pos beklee het. Oom Gideon het 27 jaar lank in die Piesangrivier Primȇre Skool, soos dit destyds bekendgestaan het, diens verrig en assistente was ń Juffrou Ina Cowley. Ongeveer 50 leerlinge van Sub A tot Std VI het hier skolastiese onderrig ontvang en persone soos Beatrice van Rooyen (nou Mev Marnewick), Jimmy van Rooyen, Cecil van Rooyen, die Tait-kinders en baie ander bekendes het hier kennis gemaak met die harde skoolbanke, om nie te praat van die spreekwoordelike kweperlat nie.
In daardie dae, 42 jaar gelede, was daar nie paaie soos ons dit vandag ken nie, inteendeel, dit was voetslaan skooltoe, daar van Roodefontein en Robberg se gewestes, om maar weer so teen 3 uur die middag die voet-pad terug huistoe te vat waar nog vele take op die plaas gewag het.
School Song
Where the dreaming mountains
Fringe the blue, blue sea
And the creamy beaches
Beckon you and me
Where the green forest depths
Hear the Loerie softly call,
Praise the Lord who created it all.
We are proud of our school here in Plettenberg Bay
Where we learn to learn while the seagulls fly.
And our badge is the beautiful Pansy Shell
And our motto forever Aim High
And our motto forever Aim High.
Waar die berge mymer aan die blou, blou see
En die wit, wit strande roep na jou en my
Waar die loerie sag in die bosse sing en roep
Prys die Heer — Skepper van die heelal.
Ons is trots op ons skool hier in Plettenbergbaai
Waar ons dink en leer wyl die meeue draai
En ons wapen die pragtige Pansy skulp
En ons leuse vir altyd: Mik Hoog
En ons leuse vir altyd: Mik Hoog.