Newsletter “23 March 2022”

Please click on the image to read the entire Newsletter.

Dear Parents
It’s amazing to realize that this busy term is over.

You will receive your child’s progress report today. Please review it thoroughly and discuss it with your child. Remember that your child only competes with him / herself, according to his / her ability.
Congratulations to the learners who achieved success and good luck to the rest for the hard work ahead.

As part of our intervention programs, teachers will make appointments with parents individually. During these appointments, the academic well-being and support of your child will be discussed. If you are not contacted, but still want to talk to the teacher, take the liberty of making an appointment. Please note that these appointments can only take place after school hours.

Click here to read the full Newsletter.

Nuusbrief “23 Maart 2022”

Klik op die prent hierbo om die volle Nuusbrief te lees.

Geagte Ouers
Dit is ongelooflik om te glo, maar die besige kwartaal is verby.

U ontvang vandag u kind se vorderingsverslag. Gaan dit asseblief deeglik deur en bespreek dit met u kind. Onthou u kind kompeteer net met hom/haarself, volgens sy/haar vermoë. Baie geluk aan die leerders wat sukses behaal het en sterkte aan die res vir die harde werk wat voorlê.

As deel van ons intervensieprogramme sal onderwysers met ouers individueel afsprake maak. Tydens hierdie afsprake sal die akademiese welstand en ondersteuning van u kind bespreek word. Indien u nie gekontak word nie, maar tog met die onderwyser/es wil gesels, neem die
vrymoedigheid om ‘n afspraak te maak. Hierdie afsprake kan slegs na skoolure plaasvind.

Klik hier om die volle Nuusbrief te lees.